Research Article
An Authentic Learning Approach to Group Assignments: An Analysis of Student Attitudes
Roger Brown(a), Na Zuo(b), Jordan Shockley(a), and Steven Buck(a)
(a)University of Kentucky
(b)University of Arizona
JEL Codes: A22, A23, M12, Q00
Keywords: Authentic learning, students, teaching, teamwork
First Published Online: December 10, 2019
Volume 1, Issue 2
Using a difference-in-difference estimator adapted to include student fixed effects, we examine whether exposure to an authentic, business-oriented approach to group assignments improves student attitudes about working in groups. Our results show that, compared with a traditional approach, students exposed to the business-oriented approach had significantly improved attitudes about group assignments in general. Specifically, students indicate that forming groups was more authentic and likable, individual grading processes were fairer, and scheduling group meetings was easier. We also identify the marginal effects for these improved attitudes and show that the relevant factors are, in descending order of importance, improvements to group scheduling, group formation, and individual grading.
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An Authentic Learning Approach to Group Assignments: An Analysis of Student Attitudes
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The Project Manager / Private Contractor Approach to Group Assignments
Roger Brown, Na Zuo, Jordan Shockley, and Steven Buck