Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Research Article

Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Grant Writing for Ag/Applied Economists to Engage in Interdisciplinary Studies

Chyi-Lyi Liang(a), Siân Mooney(b), Lyubov Kurkalova(a), D. Keith Roper(c), and Leila Hashemi- Beni(a)
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University(a,) Indiana University - Bloomington and IUPUI(b), Utah State University(c)

JEL Codes: A10
Keywords: Early career scholars, grant collaboration, grant writing, interdisciplinary, proposal

First Published Online: May 24, 2021
Volume 3, Issue 2

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Learning to write successful grant applications takes significant time and effort. This paper presents knowledge, expertise, and strategies from experienced grant applicants and grant officers across several disciplines to support early career scholars and first-time grant writers, with particular guidance for interdisciplinary collaboration. Many Agricultural and Applied Economists are invited to participate in interdisciplinary grant applications. It is important to fully understand the types of projects, nature of collaboration, co-investigators’ characteristics, expected contributions, anticipated benefits, and valuation of collaborative research by one’s peers before initiating new opportunities. Leading and participating in interdisciplinary teams also requires mentorship, patience, professionalism, and excellent communication beyond the scientific merits. This paper shares practical insights to guide scholars through the grant-writing processes beginning with nurturing a mindset, preparing for a consistent work ethic, actively seeking advice, identifying targeted programs, matching a programs’ priorities, a step-by-step framework for team creation and management, effectively managing time and pressure, and transforming failure into success.

About the Authors Chyi-Lyi Liang is the Kellogg Distinguished Professor and Director of the Center for Environmental Farm Systems at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (Corresponding author: Siâ Mooney is Dean of and a Professor in the O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University and IUPUI. Lyubov Kurkalova is a Professor in the Department of Economics at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. D. Keith Roper is a Professor in and Department Head for the Department of Biological Engineering at Utah State University. Leila Hasemi Beni is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Built Environment at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University. Acknowledgements: The material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1824949 and No. 1800768; Bioenergy Research Initiative of North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services under Grant No. 17072400; and Kellogg Foundation Endowment. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation and Kellogg Foundation. Authors had presented some information included in this article in the 2019 AAEA Pre-Conference Grant Writing Workshop.

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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