Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Teaching and Educational Methods

Using Music to Teach Agricultural, Applied, and Environmental Economics

Matthew C. Rousu(a), Mark Melichar(b), and Bailey Hackenberry(c)
(a)Susquehanna University, (b)Nebraska Wesleyan University, and (c)Sompo Internation(a)

JEL Codes: A2, A20, A22
Keywords: Teaching, economics education, music

First Published Online: November 3, 2021
Volume 3, Issue 4

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Education scholars (Brewer 1995; Jensen 2000) have long known that using music to teach can improve learning. In this article, we discuss songs that educators can use to teach agricultural, applied, and environmental economics topics. We also show how educators can easily and freely access these songs and suggest strategies for including them when teaching.

About the Authors: Matthew C. Rousu is Dean and Professor of Economics at Susquehanna University (Corresponding author: Mark Melichar is Associate Professor of Economics at Nebraska Wesleyan University. Bailey Hackenberry is a Surety Underwriting Trainee at Sompo International.

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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