Extension Education
Extension Programming During a Pandemic: The Cooperative Director Foundations Program
Michael A. Boland(a), Christopher J. Kopka(b), Keri L. Jacobs(c), Courtney Berner(d), Brian C. Briggeman(e), Matthew Elliott(f), Diane Friend(g), Phil Kenkel(h), Greg McKee(i), Frayne Olson(j), John L. Park(k), Will Secor(l), Kristi Schweiss(j), Hannah Scott(m), and Tom Worley(n)
University of Minnesota(a), Center for Agricultural Cooperative Director Development(b), University of Missouri(c), University of Wisconsin(d), Kansas State University(e), South Dakota State University(f), Texas A&M University-Kingsville RELLIS Campus(g), Oklahoma State University(h), Brigham Young University—Idaho(i), North Dakota State University(j), Texas A&M University(k), University of Georgia(l), Ohio Cooperative Development Center(m), and The Ohio State University South Centers(n)
JEL Codes: A29, Q13, Q16
Keywords: Agribusiness, cooperatives, education, Extension, learning, online
First Published Online: June 29, 2022
Volume 4, Issue 2
In summer 2020, when it became apparent that our Extension programming was not likely to be done in person in 2020/2021, a broad group of collaborators, representing universities, cooperative centers, and practitioners, began discussions to collaborate on some form of online learning platform to offer our Extension education modules for new directors on agricultural cooperatives boards across state lines and develop a program that was unavailable in most states. The objective is to describe the process, content, and lessons learned from our collaboration two years later. A legal entity was formed to develop and launch a common learning platform across our universities to handle registration fees and to pay for the development of the programs. The result is a comprehensive, peer-reviewed curriculum composed of 23 digital modules comprising 15 hours of content with a workbook written by a collaboration of 11 universities and 15 authors. We used state-of-the-art technology including storyboards, recorded lecturers, animations, vignettes, and online assessments for the digital content. In May 2022, adoption of the programming has begun slower than expected but moving in the right direction. We discuss lessons learned and about evolving new insights about future Extension programming for this largely underserved group.
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Articles in this issue
On the Strategic Creation of Extension and Outreach Content in a New Media Environment
Trey Malone, Jim Monahan, Katie Nicpon, K. Aleks Schaefer, and Madelyn Cary
Extension Programming During a Pandemic: The Cooperative Director Foundations Program
Michael A. Boland, Christopher J. Kopka, Keri L. Jacobs, Courtney Berner, Brian C. Briggeman, Matthe
Can We Foster the Future of Extension through (Friendly) Competition? The Past, Present, and Future of the Graduate Student Extension Competition
Aaron J. Staples, Carlos A. Fontanilla-Diaz, Kate Binzen Fuller, and Maria I. Marshall
Nurturing International Graduate Students for a More Diversified and Inclusive Extension Workforce
Yangxuan Liu and Wendong Zhang
Cross-Hedging in the Classroom: Engaging Students Scholarly Extension Output
Joel Cuffey, Wenyig Li, Wendiam Sawadgo, and Adam Rabinowitz
Engaged Learning: Linking Course Instruction and Extension Programming
Todd M. Schmit, Richard Stamm, and Roberta M. Severson