Extension Education
On the Strategic Creation of Extension and Outreach Content in a New Media Environment
Trey Malone(a), Jim Monahan(a), Katie Nicpon(a), K. Aleks Schaefer(b), and Madelyn Cary(a)
Michigan State University(a) and Oklahoma State University(b)
JEL Codes: A20, L82
Keywords: New media, outreach-bases research, podcasts
First Published Online: June 30, 2022
Volume 4, Issue 2
Colleges of Agriculture across the world have been forced to rapidly adapt new media solutions to
confront the challenge of educating and community building in increasingly digital spheres. With
prospective and current students, program participants, alumni, and stakeholders at home, the COVID-
19 pandemic was a catalyst to creating educational and connection opportunities through new media
such as podcasts. Podcasts, like all digital content, require strategic planning and perform best when
integrated into an overall communication or teaching strategy. This article uses podcasts as a case study
as to discuss how new media can be a complement to the communications and learning goals of
agricultural and applied economics departments. We develop a conceptual framework that provides a
template for best practices for integrating podcast content into research-based community building and
strategic communications development. Our article then utilizes the conceptual framework to describe
the development of the Michigan State University Closing Bell podcast, which was implemented as a
livestream on College of Agriculture and Natural Resources social media platforms in response to
ongoing crises during the early stages of the pandemic.
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Articles in this issue
On the Strategic Creation of Extension and Outreach Content in a New Media Environment
Trey Malone, Jim Monahan, Katie Nicpon, K. Aleks Schaefer, and Madelyn Cary
Extension Programming During a Pandemic: The Cooperative Director Foundations Program
Michael A. Boland, Christopher J. Kopka, Keri L. Jacobs, Courtney Berner, Brian C. Briggeman, Matthe
Can We Foster the Future of Extension through (Friendly) Competition? The Past, Present, and Future of the Graduate Student Extension Competition
Aaron J. Staples, Carlos A. Fontanilla-Diaz, Kate Binzen Fuller, and Maria I. Marshall
Nurturing International Graduate Students for a More Diversified and Inclusive Extension Workforce
Yangxuan Liu and Wendong Zhang
Cross-Hedging in the Classroom: Engaging Students Scholarly Extension Output
Joel Cuffey, Wenyig Li, Wendiam Sawadgo, and Adam Rabinowitz
Engaged Learning: Linking Course Instruction and Extension Programming
Todd M. Schmit, Richard Stamm, and Roberta M. Severson