How to Thrive in Agricultural Economics PhD Programs: SAEA Emerging Scholar Award Winners’ Experience and Advice
Ruiqing Miao(a), Jerrod Penn(b), and Loka L. Ashwood(c)
(a)Auburn University, (b)Louisiana State University & LSU Agricultural Center, (c)University of Kentucky
JEL Codes: A11, A23
Keywords: agricultural economics, early career, emerging scholar, mentoring, PhD students, time management
First Published Online: February 28, 2023
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Obtaining a PhD in agricultural economics can be stressful, and few studies offer holistic directions and advice to help students navigate PhD studies, particularly those seeking to transition into a research-intensive academic position. We surveyed and interviewed 21 agricultural economists who won the Emerging Scholar Award from the Southern Agricultural Economics Association between 2014 and 2021. We analyze their experiences to provide PhD students in agricultural economics with insights and tips for a career in academia. This article identifies patterns among these award winners approaches to coursework, assistantships, working with mentors, teaching, research, technical writing, conferences, networking and job search, time management and work-life balance, and the transition to new positions. Drawing from our participants, the study also points out a few aspects where graduate programs can improve to enhance students professional growth. Even though our target audience is current and prospective PhD students, we believe that this article is useful for postdoctoral researchers who are interested in faculty positions, junior faculty members who seek a smoother transition, and senior faculty members who are advising PhD students.
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