Special Issue
Feature Article: Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Agricultural and Applied Economics Profession
Donald Hirasuna(a), Dawn Thilmany(b), Andrew Muhammad(c), Deacue Fields(d), and Spiro Stefanou(e)
(a)Minnesota Department of Commerce, (b)Colorado State University, cUniversity of Tennessee, (d)University of Arkansas, (e)USDA Economic Research Service
JEL Codes: A10, A11, A12, A13, A2, A20, A23, J7, M5, O10, Q00, Q10, R00
Keywords: Agricultural and Applied Economics, diversity, equity, inclusion
First Published Online: April 11, 2023
Volume 5, Issue 2
In this paper, we present perspectives on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) from leaders in the Agricultural and Applied Economics profession. The leaders address how to enhance DEI by identifying goals, barriers, and strategies. DEI programs are already underway, and with the changing student demographics to an increasing proportion of minority students, leaders in Agricultural and Applied Economics departments and employing organizations may want to further position themselves to continue to have an impact. Moreover, creating a successful DEI environment for students may also require improvements in the hiring and retention of diverse talent in academic departments and government institutions. Professional associations like the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) may assist in helping students transition from their academic programs to successful careers, particularly if in collaboration with hiring institutions.
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Articles in this issue
Feature Article: Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Agricultural and Applied Economics Profession
Donald Hirasuna, Dawn Thilmany, Andrew Muhammad, Deacue Fields, and Spiro Stefanou
AgEcon Search: Bringing the World to the Classroom
Linda Eells, Shannon Farrell, and Julia Kelly
How to Thrive in Agricultural Economics PhD Programs: SAEA Emerging Scholar Award Winners’ Experience and Advice
Ruiqing Miao, Jerrod Penn, and Loka L. Ashwood
Principles of Economics, the Survivor Edition
Alina F. Klein and Rudolf F. Klein
Market Power in the U.S. Dairy Industry
Yuliya V. Bolotova