Teaching Education Commentary
Contemporary Adjustments Needed to Teaching Water Economics in Light of Changes Facing the Water Sector and Its Users: Introduction to the Special Issue
Ariel Dinar(a) and Mehdi Nemati(a)
(a)University of California, Riverside
JEL Codes: A2, Q15, Q2, Q25
Keywords: Climate change, demand management, groundwater, graduate and undergraduate teaching, interdisciplinary teaching, water economics curriculum
First Published Online: August 16, 2023
Water resources management in many countries faces challenges that stem from a combination of impacts of climate change, population growth, and globalization. This introductory note argues that contemporary adjustments are needed to the curriculum of teaching water economics in light of these changes. The note reviews the contribution of each of the thirteen papers in the special issue to the question posed in the title of that special issue. The note concludes that while efforts and new ideas embedded in the papers reviewed, are effective, there is still room and need for additional aspects to be considered in the new water economics curriculum.
Brouwer, R. 2023. “Reconciling Theory and Practice in Higher Education Water Economics Courses.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Colby, B. 2023. “Teaching Water Resource Economics for Policy Analysis.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Dinar, A., and Y. Tsur. 2021. The Economics of Water Resources: A Comprehensive Approach: Cambridge University Press.
Edwards, E.C., S.A. Sutherland, and A.W. Thayer. 2023. “Teaching Price Elasticity of Demand and Marginal Analysis Using Household Water Pricing.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Kunwar, S.B., N. Khatiwada, M.M. Rahman, M. Liu, S. Thapa, A.K. Bohara, and J. Wang. 2023. “Reimagining Teaching Water Issues through Integrative Experiential Learning.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Nemati, M., and A. Dinar. 2023. “Teaching Principles of Water Economics to Non-Economists: Lessons from California.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Rahman, M.M., N. Khatiwada, M. Liu, S.B. Kunwar, A.K. Bohara, and J. Wang. 2023. “Water and Economics: Why We Need and Ought to Teach Water Economics in the Modern Economics Curriculum.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Wada, C.A., S. Pongkijvorasin, J.A. Roumasset, and K.M. Burnett. 2023. “Solving Optimal Groundwater Problems with Excel.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Ward, F.A. 2023. “Innovations for the Water Resource Economics Curriculum: Training the Next Generation.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Whittington, D., and D.A. Thomas. 2023. “Teaching Water and Sanitation Economics and Policy with a Focus on Low- and Middle-Income Countries.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR) 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Wilson, D.K. 2023. “Simulating a Water Market: An In-Class Activity to Compare Market Efficiency under Various Institutions and Relative Advantages of Agents.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR) 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Zekri, S. 2023. “Teaching Water Economics in a Desert Environment.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR) 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Zetland, D. 2023. “Teaching Water Economics by Building Problem-Based Case Studies.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Zilberman, D., S. Kaplan, A. Huang, and L. Goldberg. 2023. “Teaching Water Economics Using Dynamics and Political Economy Perspectives.” Applied Economics Teaching Resources 5(3). Available at: www.aetrjournal.org.
Articles in this issue
Contemporary Adjustments Needed to Teaching Water Economics in Light of Changes Facing the Water Sector and Its Users: Introduction to the Special Issue
Ariel Dinar and Mehdi Nemati
Teaching Water Economics Using Dynamics and a Political Economy Framework
David Zilberman, Scott Kaplan, Alice Huang, Lanie Goldberg
Reconciling Theory and Practice in Higher Education Water Economics Courses
Roy Brouwer
Teaching Principles of Water Economics to Non-Economists: Lessons from California
Mehdi Nemati and Ariel Dinar
Innovations for the Water Resource Economics Curriculum: Training the Next Generation
Frank A. Ward
Teaching Water Resource Economics for Policy Analysis
Bonnie Colby
Teaching Water and Sanitation Economics and Policy with a Focus on Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Dale Whittington and Duncan Andrew Thomas
Teaching Water Economics by Building Problem-Based Case Studies
David Zetland
Teaching Water Economics in a Desert Environment
Slim Zekri
Solving Optimal Groundwater Problems with Excel
Christopher A. Wada, Sittidaj Pongkijvorasin, James A. Roumasset, and Kimberly M. Burnett