Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Teaching Education Commentary

We Need to Talk About Curriculum Innovation

Roger Brown(a), Jennifer Clark(b), Rachna Tewari(c)
(a)University of Kentucky,(b)University of Florida, (c)University of Tennessee, Martin

JEL Codes: JEL Codes: A20, D82, H41, Q00
Keywords: Award, curriculum, information, public good, survey

Publish Date: January 26, 2024
Volume 6, Issue 1

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Is it time to refresh your applied agricultural economics and agribusiness curriculum? How do you know? Where do you start? In this commentary, we review why curriculum updates are challenging and suggest that an information problem is partly to blame. Others highlight our discipline’s wide scope, our students’ diverse backgrounds, and our employers’ high expectations as inherent challenges to curricular planning. We point additionally to an economic challenge, namely that curriculum innovators do not advertise their discoveries and lessons learned at the socially optimal level. To address this public goods problem, we propose that an interested organization (e.g., the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, AAEA) centrally facilitate information sharing in two ways: (1) inventory the range of curricular diversity regularly and (2) create an annual curricular innovation award.

About the Author: Roger Brown is an Associate Professor at the University of Kentucky ( Jennifer Clark is an Instructional Associate Professor at the University of Florida ( Rachna Tewari is a Professor at the University of Tennessee, Martin ( Acknowledgments: The authors thank AETR reviewers for their helpful editorial suggestions.

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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