Teaching and Educational Methods
Teaching The Economics of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Mixed Motive Bargaining Simulation Game
Anukul Bhattari(a) and George C. Davis(a)
(a)Virginia Tech
JEL Codes: JEL Codes: A22, C71, C78, D78
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, mixed motive bargaining game
First Published Online: January 8, 2024
Volume 6, Issue 1
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Over the last three decades corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly significant activity for most firms. Consequently, it is important for students to understand the economics of CSR and the possible trade-offs involved. However, teaching the economics of CSR is challenging for several reasons. The paper presents a mixed motive bargaining game that is designed to overcome some of these challenges and teach the economics of CSR in a novel and engaging way. The game is designed to be played during class and can be played in either small or large classes. The underlying theory and logic of the game is explained followed by an example from the game being played in a class of 70 students. All documents needed for running the game are provided in an online appendix along with an Excel workbook that contains the underlying program for the game.
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