Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Students’ Attitudes Toward Cooperative Learning in Online Classes

Carola Grebitus(a)
(a)Arizona State University

JEL Codes: JEL Codes: A2
Keywords: Active learning, cooperative learning, group projects, online teaching, and research-based teaching

Publish Date: October 9, 2024

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Active learning approaches allow students to excel at course material at higher cognitive levels. One of these strategies is cooperative learning, where students learn in small groups. This approach fosters retention, motivation, and critical thinking. In addition, using research-based teaching strategies where students can work hands-on on real-world problems improves learning outcomes. A fair amount of learning takes place online, which leads to the question of how research-based group projects can be included successfully in an online environment. This research aims to answer this question by studying undergraduate online students. The main objective is to shed light on students’ attitudes toward cooperative learning in online education. The main contribution is to highlight how a research-based group project can be incorporated in a fully online delivered course and how it is received by students. Key findings are that the majority of students agree that such an activity is a good opportunity to practice working in teams for future jobs. In particular women and those who hold a positive attitude toward group projects were most likely to view the research-based group project as good preparation.

About the Authors: Dr. Carola Grebitus is a Dean’s Council Distinguished Professor at Arizona State University. (Email:

Acknowledgments: Funding through a “W. P. Carey Research on Teaching and Learning Grant” by the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University (2020) is gratefully acknowledged. The author would like to thank Jason Bergtold and two anonymous reviewers for valuable comments.

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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