Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Teaching Education Commentary

Innovate to Lead: Curriculum Innovations to Meet Students’ Needs in Applied Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Programs

Rachna Tewari(a) , Na Zuo(b), Maria Bampasidou(c), Anthony Delmond(a), Lijiao Hu(d), Tanner McCarty(e), Joey Mehlhorn(a), Scott Parrott(a), Jerrod Penn(c), Ross Pruitt(a), and Christiane Schroeter(f)
(a)University of Tennessee at Martin, (b)The University of Arizona, (c)Louisiana State University, (d)California State University, (e)Utah State University, (f)California Polytechnic State University–San Luis Obispo

JEL Codes: JEL Codes: A20, A22, A23, O3, Q00
Keywords: Curriculum, global, higher education, innovation

Publish Date: October 18, 2024

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Applied Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness programs aim to equip graduates with decision-making and problem-solving skills for a globally competitive and dynamic business environment. Ensuring student success requires instructors to explore innovative curriculum formats that augment the learning of theoretical concepts, while promoting students’ preparedness for future careers. In this commentary, we highlight three categories of innovative curriculum ideas and present evidence from corresponding student feedback and instructor experiences. We begin with examples of distinctively designed single-hour credit offerings that intend to enhance student learning of the subject matter and business applications while offering professional development opportunities. We further describe programs and courses constructed to enhance global awareness and exposure for students, citing experiences from study abroad programs and from courses employing the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) model. The third category uniquely identifies courses with opportunities for incorporating industry sponsorship in classroom projects, and ideas to shift graduate thesis projects toward writing industry-focused case studies.

About the Authors: Rachna Tewari is a Professor at the University of Tennessee at Martin (Email: Na Zuo is an Associate Professor of Practice at The University of Arizona. Maria Bampasidou is an Associate Professor at Louisiana State University. Anthony Delmond is an Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee at Martin. Lijiao Hu is an Assistant Professor at California State University. Tanner McCarty is an Assistant Professor at Utah State University. Joey Mehlhorn is a Professor at the University of Tennessee at Martin. Scott Parrott is a Professor at the University of Tennessee at Martin. Jerrod Penn is an Associate Professor at Louisiana State University. Ross Pruitt is a Professor at the University of Tennessee at Martin. Christiane Schroeter is a Professor at California Polytechnic State University–San Luis Obispo.

Acknowledgments: Rachna Tewari and Na Zuo are leading authors, with Rachna Tewari as corresponding author. Other co-authors are listed alphabetically based on last names. The authors thank the Teaching, Learning, and Communications (TLC) and Agribusiness Economics and Management (AEM) sections for the opportunity to present a track session on “Innovative Course Formats to Enhance Student Learning in the Applied Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (AAE&A) Programs” at the 2023 AAEA Annual Meeting that inspired this article. Material for the article was reviewed by the IRB at the University of Arizona (IRB Protocol Number 1904566916).

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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