Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Special Issue

Even Robots Need a House: The Robotic Milking System Facility Investment Decision Case Study

Ryan Feuz(a), and Ryan Larsen(a)
(a)Utah State University

JEL Codes: A2, Q14, Q16
Keywords: Capital budgeting, capital vs. labor, robotic dairy

First Published Online: December 27, 2019
Volume 2, Issue 1

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In a classic labor vs. capital trade-off, some dairies are opting to install automatic milking systems (AMS). AMS has the potential to increase efficiencies but comes at a cost. Although the AMS units themselves are costly, the facility that houses them can often be a more significant expense. This case presents a fictional family dairy, typical for the western United States, that is now considering adoption of AMS. The case analyzes the economics of installing AMS under three facility investment scenarios; minimal retrofit to an existing facility, building a new open-sided barn, and building a new fully enclosed barn. This case study provides an opportunity to apply capital budgeting to a modern agriculture investment and addresses broader questions related to technology investment and adoption on farm.

About the Author(s): Ryan Feuz a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Applied Economics at Utah State University (Corresponding Author: Ryan Larsen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at Utah State University

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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