Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Extension Education

A Research-Based Extension Curriculum to Improve Negotiation Skills and Outcomes for Agricultural Stakeholders

Christopher Bastian(a), Hernan Tejeda(b), Patrick Hatzenbuehler(b), Kate Binzen Fuller(c), John Hewlett(a), Ashlee Westerhold(d), and Shannon Sand(e)
(a)University of Wyoming, (b)University of Idaho, (c)Montana State University, (d)Kansas State University, and (e)University of Hawaii

JEL Codes: A29, Q1, Q12
Keywords: Adult education, agricultural negotiations, bargaining, Extension pedagogy

Publish Date: August 22, 2022
Volume 4, Issue 3

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We present a new, research-based Extension program on the topic of negotiation for the agricultural community. This endeavor draws on the expertise of Extension faculty from several western U.S. states and responds to ongoing needs of Extension clientele looking to improve business outcomes and relationships. The content currently consists of seven informational guides, one worksheet, and five online learning modules that include instructional video presentations, quizzes, supplemental learning materials, and interactive activities designed to build knowledge and skills in negotiation within an agricultural context. The relatively new online programming has been well received, and opportunities for content expansion remain. The website and content design offer possibilities for both on-site teaching and self-guided learning for Extension clientele, as well as for potential use in agribusiness education.

About the Authors: Christopher Bastian is a Professor at the University of Wyoming. Hernan Tejeda is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Idaho, Twin Falls Research and Extension Center (Corresponding author: Patrick Hatzenbuehler is an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Idaho. Kate Binzen Fuller is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist at Montana State University. John Hewlett is a Ranch/Farm Management Specialist at the University of Wyoming. Ashlee Westerhold is the Director of Farm and Ranch Transition at Kansas State University. Shannon Sand is an Agricultural Finance Extension Agent at the University of Hawaii. Note: Primary authorship is shared by Bastian, Tejeda, Hatzenbuehler, Fuller and Hewlett, and in no particular order.

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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A Research-Based Extension Curriculum to Improve Negotiation Skills and Outcomes for Agricultural Stakeholders
Christopher Bastian, Hernan Tejeda, Patrick Hatzenbuehler, Kate Binzen Fuller, John Hewlett, Ashlee