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Extension Education

Linking Research and Practice: The Role of Extension on Agritourism Development in the United States

Claudia Schmidt(a), Lisa Chase(b), Carla Barbieri(c), Ellie Rilla(d), Doolarie Singh Knights(e), Dawn Thilmany(f), Stacy Tomas(g), Lori Dickes(h), Sarah Cornelisse(a), R. David Lamie(h), Rachael Callahan(d), Holly George(d), and Penny Leff(d)
Pennsylvania State University(a), University of Vermont(b), North Carolina State University(c), University of California(d), West Virginia University(e), Colorado State University(f), Oklahoma State University(g), Clemson University(h)

JEL Codes: Q10, Q19
Keywords: Agritourism, Extension, Community Development

First Published Online: August 27, 2022
Volume 4, Issue 3

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Agritourism is a critical farm diversification strategy for farmers to enhance income and profit potential with benefits related to rural community development, increased awareness of sustainability practices, and local heritage preservation. For rural community and economic development professionals, agritourism has become an important strategy to develop local tourism, grow small businesses, and enhance regional economic diversification. We propose that the agritourism ecosystem would arguably benefit from more robust Extension programming and network development. A discussion of two state case studies, Vermont and California, provides an overview of the critical elements necessary to build a statewide agritourism program. The role of Extension in rural development and tourism underscores the opportunity to utilize agritourism as a broader development strategy. Finally, we make recommendations for growing the role of Extension in agritourism. More robust training and education for Extension professionals, stronger connections to state tourism departments, and more robust advocacy with university and state-level decision makers on the value of agritourism investments are all highlighted as crucial next steps.

About the Authors: Claudia Schmidt is an Assistant Professor at Pennsylvania State University (Corresponding Author: Lisa Chase is an Extension Professor and Director of the Vermont Tourism Research Center at the University of Vermont. Carla Barbieri is a Professor and Extension Specialist at North Carolina State University. Ellie Rilla is a Community Development Advisor Emeritus at the University of California. Doolarie Singh Knights is an Associate Professor at West Virginia University. Dawn Thilmany is a Professor and Outreach Coordinator at Colorado State University. Stacy Tomas is an Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University. Lori Dickes is an Associate Professor at Clemson University. Sarah Cornelisse is a Senior Extension Associate at Pennsylvania State University. R. David Lamie is a Professor at Clemson University. Rachael Callahan is the Statewide Agritourism Coordinator at the University of California. Holly George is a Livestock, Natural Resources and Community Development Advisor Emeritus at the University of California. Penny Leff is a Former Agritourism Coordinator at the University of California. Acknowledgment: This work was supported in part by the United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) under project # 2020-68006- 31683 and by the Pennsylvania State University and NIFA Multistate/Regional Research Appropriations under project #NE1749.

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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