Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Teaching Education Commentary

The Empathetic Course Design Perspective

Donald A. Saucier(a), Tucker L. Jones(b), Ashley A. Schiffer(a), and Noah D. Renken(a)
(a)Kansas State University and (b)Washburn University

JEL Codes: A220
Keywords: Course design, empathy, engagement, pedagogy

First Published Online: September 27, 2022
Volume 4, Issue 4

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Empathy, the ability and willingness to take the cognitive and emotional perspective of others, is becoming increasingly important within academia. We introduce our Empathetic Course Design Perspective that refers to the intentional infusion of empathy into a course. We discuss the overarching beliefs that underlie this perspective, such as instructors’ commitment to inclusive teaching practices. In this commentary, we present practical recommendations for incorporating this perspective into your classes, in terms of course syllabi; schedules and routines; modalities; policies; and assignments and assessments. We believe this template is flexible and can be applied to any course (e.g., lower- and upper-level classes), in any modality (e.g., face-to-face, hybrid/hyflex, online), and in any academic discipline. Ultimately, we believe the Empathetic Course Design Perspective can transform our courses into learning spaces that are more positive, supportive, and engaging for us as instructors and, more importantly, for our students.

About the Authors: Donald A. Saucier is a Professor and University Distinguished Teaching Scholar at Kansas State University (Corresponding author: Tucker L. Jones is an Assistant Professor at Washburn University. Ashley A. Schiffer is a Social-Personality Psychology Ph.D. Student at Kansas State University. Noah D. Renken is a Social- Personality Psychology Ph.D. Student at Kansas State University. Acknowledgements: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. The preparation of this manuscript did not involve research on human subjects. Conflicts of interest: none.

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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