Teaching and Educational Methods
Teaching Forward Contracts in Undergraduate Courses in Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics Programs
Yuliya V. Bolotova
Iowa State University
JEL Codes: Q02, Q12, Q13
Keywords: Cattle, dairy, hogs, market coordination, risk management
First Published Online: June 27, 2022
Volume 4, Issue 4
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This article presents teaching materials for teaching forward contracts in undergraduate courses in agribusiness and agricultural economics programs, as well as educational materials for Extension and outreach activities. The teaching materials include: (a) an introduction to spot and forward contracts as market exchange mechanisms and an explanation of the main differences between these two types of contracts; (b) a discussion of the business rationale for using forward contracts, as compared to spot contracts; (c) a simple economic framework explaining the mechanics of forward contracts; and (d) analytical problem sets demonstrating applications of this framework in the U.S. beef, pork, and milk supply chains. The teaching note includes analytical problem sets, multiple choices questions, and answer keys for all questions.
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