Case Study
Promoting Sustainable Products in Dry Consumer Packaged Goods: What Should a Grocer Do?
Michael A. Boland(a), Xiaowei Zhang(a)
(a)University of Minnesota
JEL Codes: JEL Codes: A22, Q13
Keywords: Agribusiness, coffee, fair trade, food, grocery, retail supermarket
Publish Date: May 22, 2024
Volume 6, Issue 2
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The objective of the decision case study is to make a recommendation on whether to introduce a new product into the planogram of an independent retail grocery chain that does not have a formal sustainability strategy. The decision maker is the chief operating officer of the retail grocery chain. The product is a fair trade-certified coffee produced by Equal Exchange, a worker cooperative. Information is presented about the retail grocery chain, an overview of fair trade, a description of Equal Exchange, and background reading on the coffee supply chain.
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