Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Teaching Education Commentary

A Commentary on Extension Programming: An Overview of the Costs and Benefits of Patch-Burn Grazing Extension Program Development Through the Use of a Logic Model

Hannah M. Baker(a) and Hannah E. Shear(b)
(a)University of Florida, (b)Oklahoma State University

JEL Codes: JEL Codes: A10, Q15
Keywords: Cattle, Extension program development, graduate student, logic model, patch-burn grazing, rangeland management

First Published Online: May 22, 2024
Volume 6, Issue 2

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The Extension program discussed in this commentary was developed using a logic model to provide the missing economic analysis of patch-burn grazing in comparison to traditional rangeland management practices. It was submitted to the Graduate Student Extension Competition through the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) to take advantage of the opportunity to present patch-burn grazing as a potential cost-reducing and beneficial management practice to Oklahoma cow-calf producers. Delivery plans and communication methods for the program include fact sheets and budget tools, research articles, conference presentations, and workshops. The development of this Extension program centered around the economics of patch-burn grazing is supplemental to ongoing research by the Prairie Project. The Prairie Project utilizes outputs such as fact sheets, workshops, and social media to convey the benefits of patch-burn grazing, which has been shown to be effective. The opportunity to build an Extension program around research using a logic model allows young professionals to learn how to build a successful program.

About the Author: Hannah M. Baker is a State Specialized Agent II on Beef and Forage Economics at the University of Florida/IFAS Extension ( Hannah E. Shear is an Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University.

Acknowledgments: Financial support for this work was provided by USDA-NIFA AFRI 2019-68012-29819, “Enhancing Livestock Production from Rangelands in the Great Plains.”

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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