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Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Research Article

Game-Based Learning in Extension Education: An Assessment of the Impact on Consumer Learning and Behavior

Cristina Connolly(a) and Stacey Stearns(a)
(a)University of Connecticut

JEL Codes: JEL Codes: A29, Q10, Q13, Q16
Keywords: Extension education, game-based learning, genetic modification

First Published Online: July 10, 2024
Volume 6, Issue 2

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Despite clear science-based evidence of the benefits of bioengineering, consumers hold a negative attitude toward genetic modification that has been increasing over time. As a consequence, the market for food labeled as not genetically modified continues to grow, with price premiums ranging from 10 percent to 62 percent. The mixed messaging consumers receive can cause them to doubt their own food choices and harm them economically. Extension educators are increasingly focused on developing participative activities and game-based learning that can improve Extension programming methods. We created a learning game that simulates a shopping experience. In an online survey, compared to those who viewed an Extension website providing information on genetic modification, consumers who played the game were more likely to believe they learned something and correctly answered a question regarding deceptive labeling. While those who viewed the website were more likely to accurately characterize foods as having a genetically modified version, they were also more likely to select a carrot labeled as not genetically modified, even though no genetically modified alternative exists. Our results suggest a role for game-based learning in Extension programming, though there are cost tradeoffs.

About the Author: Cristina Connolly is an Assistant Professor at the University of Connecticut (Corresponding Author Email: Stacey Stearns is a Program Specialist at the University of Connecticut.

Acknowledgments: This study was funded through an internal University of Connecticut Scholarship Facilitation Fund grant. The study was declared exempt by the University of Connecticut Institutional Review Board Exemption # X21-0120. We have no conflicts of interest to report.

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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