Teaching and Educational Methods
Integrating Agricultural Research into Undergraduate Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Courses
Risti Permani(a), Md Khairul Hidayatullah Basir(ab), Kodrad Winarno(a), Bisakha Dewan(ac), Maryono Maryono(ad), Thi Hai Dang(a), Apurbo Sarkar(a), Mirza Mobashwerul Haque(ac), Yanti Nuraeni Muflikh(d) and Suresh Krishnasamy(a)
(a)The University of Queensland, (b)Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, (c)Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, (d)IPB University, Bogor
JEL Codes: JEL Codes: A20, A22
Keywords: Agricultural research, Australia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, undergraduate, and Work Integrated Learning
First Published Online: November 20, 2024
Work Integrated Learning’s (WIL) contribution to graduates’ career readiness has been widely recognized. WIL programs, from internships and fieldwork to newer formats like hackathons and incubators, allow students to experience authentic work and learning practices. Despite the vast literature on students’ WIL experiences and WIL effectiveness, there is a gap in our current understanding of whether and how the research component has been embedded in WIL programs. The industry and workplace-centric nature of many WIL programs, and, in contrast, the perceived relevance of research confined to public and academic domains, often present challenges to developing WIL programs that meet academic and stakeholders’ requirements while ensuring student benefits. Therefore, this study showcases the experiences of the University of Queensland (UQ; Australia), Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU; Bangladesh), and IPB University (IPB; Indonesia), integrating agriculture-related research into undergraduate WIL programs, all of which highlights the continued importance of university-industry engagement.
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