Teaching and Educational Methods
Service-Learning in Agricultural Economics: Harnessing Local Food to Introduce Students to Applied Research and Extension
Cristina Connolly(a)
(a)University of Connecticut
JEL Codes: JEL Codes: A22, A23, Q13, Q16
Keywords: Experiential learning, Extension, service-learning, undergraduate research
First Published Online: February 12, 2025
Despite the benefits resulting from experiential, active, and problem-based course design, most economics classes still rely on “chalk and talk.” Economics departments have been slow to develop accessible, course-based experiential learning opportunities such as undergraduate research, and even fewer incorporate service-learning projects. These activities provide an opportunity for students to apply economic concepts to their communities. However, the few service-learning based economics courses discussed in the literature do not include collaboration with departments of Extension, despite the clear synergistic possibilities.
This paper describes a project-based service-learning course where student undergraduate teams, with a master’s student team leader, serve as consultants to address an organizational or business problem faced by a local agrifood operation. Using economic tools and primary data collection and analysis, teams develop a marketing plan that provides actionable recommendations, including a presentation to the client. Students enjoyed the course, demonstrated improvements in conducting research and survey design, and by the end of the course, students were more knowledgeable about Extension and had positive perceptions of its impacts. While there are benefits to departments of agricultural economics or agribusiness developing these types of courses, they also require additional effort on the part of both the instructor and the students.
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