Applied Economics Teaching Resources

an AAEA Journal

Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Case Study

Occupational Health and Safety Issues at Agribusiness Retailers

Erik Hanson(a) and Michael Boland(b)
(a)North Dakota State University, (b)University of Minnesota

JEL Codes: I1, L1, Q1, Q13
Keywords: Agribusiness, consolidation, cooperatives, health, safety

First Published Online: November 30, 2022
Volume 1, Issue 1

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This case explores efforts to improve occupational health and safety at RRV Cooperative, a fictional agricultural cooperative located in the upper Midwest. Students are introduced to the operations of farm supply and grain marketing cooperatives and to fundamental concepts in occupational health and safety. Students are asked to analyze data and consider the challenges in changing personal and group habits. Background information presented in this case offers additional teaching opportunities regarding trends in the farm supply and grain marketing industry and U.S. production agriculture.

About the Author: Erik Hanson is an Assistant Professor, Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics at North Dakota State University. (Corresponding Author: Michael Boland is Professor and Director of The Food Industry Center at the University of Minnesota. IRB Approval: The research that formed the basis for this case study was submitted and found exempt under federal regulations by IRBs at the University of Minnesota (study number 1410E54623) and North Dakota State University (protocol #AG18039).

Copyright is governed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA


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