Teaching Education Commentary
Let's take a moment to celebrate great teaching!
James A. Sterns
Oregon State University
JEL Codes: A22, Q0
Keywords: AAEA, archival review, biases, teaching awards
First Published Online: November 30, 2022
Volume 1, Issue 1
This commentary uses the history of the teaching awards program of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA) to examine the AAEA’s commitment to the teaching mission of universities with undergraduate programs in agricultural and applied economics. Through an archival review of AAEA historical documents, it describes an evolving commitment. It also identifies, from the author’s personal perspective, several awards program benefits and raises several concerns about potential biases in the selection of awardees. The commentary is, above all, a tribute to teaching and to AAEA teaching award recipients—past and future.
Barkley, Paul W. 2010. A Centennial History of the AAEA. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.
Sjo, John. 1974. “The AAEA: Its Responsibility for Instructional Leadership.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 56:2(May):436-440.
SAEA (Southern Agricultural Economics Association). 2019. “Outstanding Contribution to Teaching Award Recipients.” Accessed March 22, 2019. https://www.saea.org/award/octa.html.
Student Activities Committee. 1962. “Report of the Student Activities Committee.” Journal of Farm Economics 44:1979–1798.
USDA. 2019a. “Previous Teaching Awards Recipients 2010–2018.” Accessed March 22, 2019. https://nifa.usda.gov/sites/default/files/program/Previous-Teaching-Awards-Recipients-2010-2018.pdf.
USDA. 2019b. “Past Recipients of Teaching Awards.” Accessed March 22, 2019. https://www.teach-usda.cals.vt.edu/pages/Past_Recipients.html.
WAEA (Western Agricultural Economics Association). 1982–2009. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics (December issues). Award recipients since 2010 are posted on the Association’s webpage, http://www.waeaonline.org/about-waea/awards/past-award-winners.
Articles in this issue
Job Attribute Preferences of Undergraduate Agricultural Majors—Do They Match with Careers in Grain Merchandising?
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Calculating and Interpreting Percentage Changes for Economic Analysis
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Assessing Student Learning Using a Digital Grading Platform
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Enhancing the Teaching of Product Substitutes/Complements: A Pedagogical Note on Diversion Ratios
Oral Capps, Jr. and Senarath Dharmasena
Teaching Undergraduate Economics: Emphasize Early the Meaning of Vertical Distances and of Their Summation Over Quantities
Matthew G. Interis
Occupational Health and Safety Issues at Agribusiness Retailers
Erik Hanson and Michael Boland
Let's take a moment to celebrate great teaching!
James A. Sterns
Moneyball in the Academy: Whiffing on the Quality of Education?
Paul N. Wilson